Who I Am

In January of 2011 I started to read through a biography of each First Lady in chronological order. I was inspired after watching the HBO John Adams.  Abigail's character intrigued me so much I had to find out if she truly was like how she was in the movie. In Abigail's biography, Martha Washington was mentioned and I had to find out about her, too. Since then I've been hooked on First Ladies!

I am a stay at home mom of four young children and a pastor's wife (who in some churches is referred to as the First Lady! There are some similarities...)

If you would like to contact me, please email me at rachelschmoyerwrites@gmail.com.

If you would like to check out my other writing work, please check out my website.

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  1. would like to republish your blog post on Edith Roosevelt in our homeschool association newsletter. Please specify desired byline if you are ok with this.

    1. Yes! I would be very glad for you to republish my Edith Roosevelt blog post. Please email me at rachelschmoyerwrites@gmail.com and I will reply with a byline.
